About Us
Ensuring a sustainable future for Tokai Park
Friends of Tokai Park is a WESSA-affiliated Friends Group (MB1240127) and registered Public Benefit Organisation (Tax Exemption Reference Number: 930066728) made up of 1 450-plus volunteers. Our number includes many international supporters aware of Tokai Park’s inestimable value as part of one of 25 global plant biodiversity hotspots.
Our Vision, Mission and Activities, driven by our supporters and steered by our committee, lend substance to our core values of biodiversity, community, heritage and safety. These values are enshrined in our logo, designed by Vasthi Strydom of Vasthi Creative.

Whorl Heath (Erica verticillata)
Driven to extinction in the wild by ubarnisation, Whorl Heath is a flagship species of biodiversity and Fynbos restoration and was rediscovered and reintroduced to Tokai and other parts of the Cape Peninsula. Photo Di Turner.

Elephant’s Eye Cave
The elephantine southern flank of the historical Prinskasteel (now Constantiaberg), of which Elephant’s Eye cave is a geological feature, watches over the Fynbos-bedecked eastern Cape Peninsula lowlands, an essential part of our heritage.

Tokai Farmhouse
Subsequently renamed Tokai Manor, the farmhouse at Tokai has seen centuries of African and European culture come and go, bequeathing us a legacy of Cape Dutch architecture, wine farming, slavery, afforestation and urbanisation. At the centre of our community, it attests – through oft-competing historical narratives – to a cultural brio informed as much by superstition and oversimpification as by our rich and varied history. Photo Wikimedia

Spotted Eagle Owl
A symbol of safety, combining alert watchfulness with an ability to survive in the wild and in human-dominated environments. Photo Andre Marais
Where credit or attribution is not apparent, Friends of Tokai Park thanks the many iNaturalist photographers who allow their images of species found at Tokai Park to be reused by way of a Creative Commons license, including:
allesandradalia, Alison Sheehey, Andrew Massyn, Antonio Llardo, Stacey, Brian du Preez, Callum Evans, Chris Whitehouse, Colin Ralston, Di Turner, dogtooth77, Eddie Van 3000, Erin and Lance Willett, Gigi Laidler, Heather and Andrew Hodgson, Ian Junor, James Gaither, Jan Hendrik Keet, Jeremy Gilmore, Kate Braun, Klaus Wehrlin, magrietb, Michael Mace, Nicholas Turland, Nick Helme, Nigel Forshaw, Pieter de Lange, Richard Adcock, rovanto, Steve Garvie, terrydad2, and Tony Rebelo.
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