
Friends of Tokai Park's archive of articles from popular and academic print media

A growing repository of news, views, interviews, articles, papers and dissertations on all issues, matters, disciplines, fields of interest or expertise and subjects pertaining or relevant to Tokai Park and its munificent life forms.

This is the assembly of life that took a billion years to evolve. It has eaten the storms – folded them into its genes – and created the world that created us. It holds the world steady.


Dissertations and peer-reviewed articles from scientific journals


Like them or not, facts matter. Conclusions drawn from empirically sound articles, reviews and dissertations offer us guidance in charting a sustainable forward path
let's go


Voices unfettered by policy or commercial interest offer refreshing, sometimes controversial, perspectives


Websites, blogs and other Web platforms are home to diverse but always distinct voices from all walks of life – we host a few
rock me


News and views published in newspapers best reflecting the issues and opinions holding sway over us today


Articles, opinion pieces and hard news relating or relevant to Tokai Park do much to shape our perceptions – and, sometimes, confirm our biases
tell me more


Cornerstone content from general and special-interest periodicals of value to all concerned about conserving biodiversity


Niche-market and general-interest articles of value to all those committed to restoring and conserving biodiversity at Tokai Park
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