Friends of Tokai Park's archive of images recording a selection of past events
Hacks of all types go a long way to making up the practical side of Friends of Tokai Park’s mission. We’re passionate about clearing alien invasives and host at least one hack each week. Keep an eye on our Events page and join us when next we head out to do battle with our most tenacious foe.
July 2020 Paintball Block Lockdown Hacks – Tuesdays and Thursdays
7 July 2020

June 2020 Paintball Block Lockdown Hacks – Tuesdays and Thursdays
20 June 2020

16 June 2020

15 June 2020

5 June 2020

Upper Tokai Mountain Hacks – Saturdays
13 May 2019

9 March 2019

10 November 2018

10 February 2018

10 December 2017

14 October 2017

17 September 2016

30 July 2016

Lower Tokai Alien Pulls – Tuesdays
13 May 2019

Tokai Arboretum Alien Clearing
17 March 2019

4 January 2019

14 December 2018

27 October 2018

12 October 2018

27 September 2017

Friends of Tokai Park's archive of images recording a selection of past events
An archive of images recording our commitment to achieving the mission objectives enshrined on our Vision for Tokai Park
let's go
We host educative and entertaining talks by experts on subjects relevant to the restoration and maintenance of biodiversity at Tokai Park
We host educative and enterataining talks by experts on subjects relevant to the restoration and maintenance of biodiversity at Tokai Park
tell me more
From mushrooms to flowers and trees, we offer guided tours of Tokai Park and the Tokai Arboretum, night or day, throughout the year
From mushrooms to flowers and trees, we offer guided tours of Tokai Park and the Tokai Arboretum, night or day, throughout the year
let's go
Special Events
People are special – reason enough for us to host or take part in any community event promoting the restoration of our biodiversity
Special Events
People are special – reason enough for us to host or take part in any community event promoting the restoration of our biodiversity
take me there